CAFNR Students and Faculty Honored at Tap Day

In a tradition dating back to 1917, small groups of students were selected (or “tapped”) by their peers to join one of the University of Missouri’s six secret honorary societies Friday, April 30.

The six societies – QEBH, Mystical Seven, LSV, Mortar Board, Omicron Delta Kappa and the Rollins Society – honor new members for service, leadership and commitment to the Mizzou community.

The new initiates’ identities are kept secret until Tap Day, when they were publicly revealed online. Each society also honor taps MU staff and faculty members who have contributed significantly to the university.

CAFNR’s 2021 Tap Day honorees include:

Mortar Board

  • Lydia Jefferson, senior in environmental sciences

Mortar Board is a national honor society that recognizes college seniors for their achievements in scholarship, leadership and service.

Omicron Delta Kappa

  • Angelina Hein, senior in biochemistry
  • Annika Meyer, senior in hospitality management
  • Claire Shipp, senior in agribusiness management
  • Spencer Silvey, senior in biochemistry
  • Honor Tap: John Tummons, assistant teaching professor, applied social sciences

Omicron Delta Kappa is a national leadership honor society that recognizes juniors, seniors and graduate students for their achievements in the five phases of campus life: scholarship; athletics; campus or community service, social and religious activities, and campus government; journalism, speech and mass media; creative and performing arts.

Rollins Society

  • Yanu Prasetyo, PhD student in rural sociology
  • Honor Tap: Kerry Clark, director, CAFNR International Programs, and assistant research professor, applied social sciences

The Rollins Society recognizes graduate and professional students who have significantly advanced the well being of self-defined communities beyond the scope of their academic work.