Strategic Planning Process

The CAFNR Strategic Plan will be developed through a customized process that incorporates thinking for the development, implementation and launch in Year One, and then activities that would follow in subsequent years. The strategic planning process will last approximately 13 months and consist of the three major phases, steps, and deliverables outlined below.

The CAFNR Strategic Plan will be developed through significant input and collaboration with the CAFNR team and its stakeholders.

Phase I: Discovery and Analysis.

This phase is characterized by the inclusivity of stakeholders in the planning process, the use of the best research tools, a comprehensive research approach, and the initial generation of ideas for an envisioned future. Phase I will consist of the following steps:

  • Step 1: Hold stakeholder project kick-off. (Dec. 27-28, 2017)
  • Step 2: Audit CAFNR, it’s strategy and all of the ways in which the strategy is supported, e.g., programs and marketing materials. (Weeks 3-7)
  • Step 3: Audit and analyze the higher education industry and marketplace for current and future ag-related trends, and competitive ag strategic plans. (Weeks 3-11)
  • Step 4: Conduct internal and external stakeholder interviews. (Week 6-10)
  • Step 5: Conduct digital and social media monitoring. (Week 4-ongoing)
  • Step 6: Share the discovery and analysis findings. (Week 16-20)

Phase II: Quantitative Testing and Refining the Strategic Plan.

This phase is characterized by the strategic prioritization of ideas, a broad-based and relevant sampling of key constituents to test ideas, reliable survey results, and the establishment of an initial benchmark that can be used for years to come. Phase II will consist of the following steps:

  • Step 1: Develop the elements of the Strategic Plan for testing. (Week 20-24)
  • Step 2: Test and refine the priorities, goals, objectives, activities, and metrics that are supported by CAFNR’s mission, vision and values. This testing will be conducted with all key CAFNR audiences. CAFNR may choose to replace the quantitative research with qualitative research. (Week 25-31)
  • Step 3: Share the Research Findings Report at the conclusion of Phase II in-person with the CAFNR Team and key constituents. (Week 33-34)

Phase III: Writing and Developing the Communication and Engagement Plan; Deployment of the Strategic Plan.

This phase is characterized by well-orchestrated collaboration, a commitment to planning for a successful execution, and an energizing enthusiasm around the completion of the Strategic Plan. Phase III will consist of the following steps:

  • Step 1: Write the CAFNR Strategic Plan based on the input from the research phase and CAFNR input and approval. (Week 34-40)
  • Step 2: Develop a communication plan for announcing and implementing the Strategic Plan. (Week 35-40)
  • Step 3: Develop a “Strategic Plan Dashboard” that will include the metrics identified by the research based on the goals, objectives and activities. (Week 35-40, concurrently with the Launch Plan)
  • Step 4: Conduct an internal rollout workshop for the College, Agricultural Research Centers and Extensions. (Week 40-42)
  • Step 5: Conduct an external rollout workshop for other key audiences (university, system, media, legislators). (Week 43-47)
  • Step 6: Present Final Strategic Plan in workshop, incorporating any feedback from the internal and external launch workshops. (Week 48-52)
  • Step 7: Develop a Communication Plan for the Dean—speaking tour. (Week 53-57)