Graduate Student Travel Resources


A graduate student during a poster session

Douglas D. Randall Young Scientists Development Fund
The Douglas D. Randall Young Scientists Development Fund provides travel awards to students and postdoctoral fellows studying life sciences at the University of Missouri.

Brown Fellowship
The purpose of the Brown Fellowship is to stimulate interest among U.S. graduate students in developing an international dimension to their career goals. Fellowship funds are provided to enable talented graduate students to gather research data and to experience the culture and institutional structures of agriculture outside the United States.Matthew Caldwell, graduate student, speaks about impregnated fertilizers on corn and soybeans.

Travel Scholarships from the Graduate School
Funding includes the John D. Bies International Travel Scholarships for ABD Doctoral Students that provides funding support to doctoral students traveling internationally.

Graduate Professional Council (GPC) Travel Awards
GPC travel awards are designed to assist MU graduate and professional students who are represent the University of Missouri by presenting research papers, posters or creative works at conferences.Lebo Moore, MU graduate student, welcomes the crowd at the Tiger Farm-to-Table Dinner

Mizzou Advantage Student Travel Awards
These awards provide travel funds for graduate students, in good standing, who are presenting their MU funded research at professional meetings related to Mizzou Advantage areas. Up to $600 is available for domestic travel; up to $900 for international travel.

Student Organization Travel through the ORG
ORG will generally only pay for up to four travelers (up to $2,000 per year); the idea is that those four can bring back what they learned and share it with the rest of their organization. To request travel funds, fill out the Budget Request Form, which can be found in the organization’s profile page under the More tab in the Treasury section on the ORG site. The group must also submit a travel itinerary form on OrgSync before departure.


Morgan Halane discusses his research project More Than Secretion. His poster displays his work on exploring the functions of the N terminus of the processed pathogen effector AvrRps4. Travel funds for graduate students in Plant Sciences
Three different funding sources are available within the Division of Plant Sciences to support the travel of graduate students to scientific meetings.

Animal Sciences Graduate Program Student Association (ASGSA) Travel Fund
The University of Missouri ASGSA Travel was established to assist Animal Sciences graduate students attend and participate in professional conferences pertaining to their field of study. Other opportunities for graduate students in Animal Sciences include the RIF, Miller and Roberts travel funds. Contact the director of graduate studies for details.

The Division of Applied Social Sciences (DASS) offers funding ($100 to $300) for graduate students to attend or participate in national meetings. A separate fund ($200) is available for first year Ph.D. students for travel to one national meeting. The forms are on Blackboard or available from the director of graduate studies.
Mather Khan of MU Plant Sciences, discusses his research on Molecular Mechanisms of Phloem Transport and Seed Loading of Trace Metals.
Travel awards for graduate students in Biochemistry
Graduate students in Biochemistry are encouraged to travel to regional, national and international scientific meetings to broaden their academic experience and present their research results. To facilitate that objective, some travel funds are available through an application process.